House of Representatives Reportedly Seeks Explanations For Why Only Former President Weah is Denied VIP Lounge Access at RIA


In a recent turn of events, the House of Representatives has reportedly taken a firm stand regarding the treatment of former President George Weah at Roberts International Airport. The denial of access to the VIP lounge for the former President has sparked a wave of concern among lawmakers, with Representative Yekeh Kolubah spearheading efforts to address the issue.

Expressing a strong belief in respecting former leaders, Representative Kolubah and his colleagues, including Representatives Clarence Gahr, Steve Tequah, and Dixon Seboe, seek answers from airport authorities, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, and the State for Presidential Affairs.

The House of Representatives is determined to uncover the reasons behind the incident and understand the existing policies governing access to the VIP lounge. Their commitment to upholding respect and dignity for former leaders is evident in their proactive approach to resolving this matter.

As this story unfolds, the House of Representatives remains vigilant in their pursuit of clarity and justice. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing situation.

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